Past Projects


I along with my partner have created an IR controlled car that can also automatically change the direction it is going by using the Ultrasonic Sensor.
Features include:

  • Written in Arduino
  • Autonomous
  • Infrared Sensor to control the car's motion with a remote
  • Buzzer to indicate an obstacle
  • Rechargeable battery powered
April 2019


Movie Trailer Website

This site was created as part of a submission for a contest.

  • Modern design
  • Displays a looped video trailer of the TV Show
July 2020

Recipe Website

Term project for Web Systems Architecture course.

  • Variety of recipes
  • All links are static
  • Offers random tips to the viewer of the site
Fall 2018



Created code to run the automatic Narcan Administrator that was developed through Invent@SU.

  • Uses the Pulse Oximeter data to detect whether the victim is experiencing an opioid overdose.
  • Plays CPR instructions as soon as it turns on.
  • Automatically administers a single dose of Narcan using a food-safe water motor with customized pressure.
  • This project involved many hours of research for the best accuracy so if you are interested in the code please contact me directly here
    I'll be happy to show you how it works!
Summer 2018


New Perfect Word Generator

I created an algorithm to create English words whose letter values add up to 100.

  • Challenged by a friend I created a script that will generate random letter words whose letter's value adds up to 100 and only prints it out if it's a real word.
  • Example words:
    • turkey = 20 + 21 + 18 + 11 + 5 + 25 = 100
    • swimmer = 19 + 23 + 9 + 13 + 13 + 5 + 18 = 100

June 2020

COVID-19 Sentimental Analysis

Sentimental Analysis Term Project for CIS 400: Social Media Data Mining

  • Analyzes data collected between January and March to see whether the sentimental analysis of Reddit Posts correlates with COVID cases in each country.
  • Although there was no correlation found it was a fun project to see language analysis at work.
April 2020

iMessages Bot

This script will type any message you want into the selected textbox. In this case, it was used to send periodic random fun facts to a potential victim.

  • The script uses the pyautogui library to send data from the script to the currently active program.
  • There are many possibilities with this script which is why I decided to play around with it; It allows for easy automation!
April 2020

Twitter Social Network Map

In a project created for CIS 400 (Social Media and Data Mining), I analyzed the 5 most-popular reciprocal friends of a user and then their distance-1, distance-2, etc friends to create a Social Network of at least 100 nodes.
Features include:

  • Creates a social network map based on the results.
  • Calculates diameter and average distance of one's network using Networkx.
February 2020

CookBook with ingredients you already have

This hackathon project was designed to compete for Wegman's challenge of integrating their API to make something useful.
Features include:

  • Get a recipe that fits your needs and products that you already have at home.
  • Uses Wegman's API to get recipes.
February 2019


Swift Projects

Here you will find all the sample programs I wrote while learning Swift
Highlighted Programs:

  • Independent Term Project
    • Designed to prevent the content of the screen from moving when the device is shaking.

  • About Me App
    • Designed to show the skills I have learned midway through the course.
    • Created tabbed screens and worked with constraints.

May 2020


Grocery Share

Covid-19 Inspired Android App to help folks who can't leave their homes get groceries from family, friends, and neighbors who would like to shop for them.
My Contributions:

  • Developed the app with a team of four people bypassing COVID-19 obstacles by using the Agile Methodology and meeting every other day for standups
  • Designed and implemented the User Interface and User Experience for the app
  • Created the Signup interface for both shopper and buyer
  • Integrated Google's Firebase API into our application to keep track of data and user accounts
  • Utilized the OpenStreetMap API to determine and verify the user's location
Summer 2020


View the current song's lyrics on a web browser tab
Features include:

  • Uses Selenium Webdrive to detect the current playing song in Spotify and search it in a new tab.
  • Presents the lyrics in the new tab and refreshes the tab every time there is a new song.
Summer 2019


The goal of this project was to iterate on the Tic Tac Toe game that we created in March and make the game capable of being played by 2 players.
Features include:

  • Plays game of Tic-Tac-Toe between two players over UDP/IP. The game can be played between two players on the computer, or on 2 computers on the same network.
  • The Game has a synchronization mechanism at startup to synchronize the beginning of the game. A player is chosen as player one (the player that goes first at startup.
  • Players take turns, with no two players able to move at the same time.
  • Both player's game boards are updated when either player moves.
  • Both players are notified when the player changes.
  • Both players are notified when a game ends, with a proper indication of winner (or draw).
  • Single application in solution. This means that you did not create 2 different applications; one for Player 1 and another for Player 2.
May 2020

In this project, I recreated the classic breakout ball game by Atari with a modern twist.
Features include:

  • High resolution timer used for Ball and Paddle movement (i.e. PrecisionTimer.dll)
  • Two separate panels: one for the Score and Game Status, and one for the game itself.
  • The Score section should contain, at a minimum: elapsed time, score, and available key options that include, at a minimum, Start/Pause, Replace Ball (i.e. reset game), and Exit.
  • Use of a .NET timer (e.g. System.Windows.Threading.Dispatch.Timer or System.Windows.Timer, etc) for the elapsed time.
  • There does not need to be a winner. The only requirement is that the score increases when a brick is hit and destroyed and that the time elapsed increases while the game is in play.
  • The ball bounces off the bricks correctly (e.g. ball reflects downward when the bottom of the brick is struck, the ball reflects upward when the top of the brick is struck, etc), and the bricks disappear when hit.
  • The ball correctly bounces off the paddle and the sides of the game panel.
April 2020

For this project, I recreated the classic Tic Tac Toe game.
Features include:

  • Tic Tac Toe game is played as expected (alternating X and O).
  • The game eventually ends, with a correctly identified win or draw.
  • There is a status area (i.e. Textbox) where there is an indication to the players who won, or there was a draw.
  • If there is a winner, the winning row (column or diagonal) is clearly identified.
  • Start button provided the properly resets the current game, or starts a new game at the completion of the previous game.
  • The status area properly indicates whose turn it is (e.g. It is X's Turn)
March 2020

For this first project, I designed and created a program that will let you know the similarities and differences between two entries of numbers.
Features include:

  • Textbox to enter Set 1, as N1, N2, N3, etc. with Button to update to input Textbox data into Set.
  • Textbox to enter Set 2, as N1, N2, N3, etc. with Button to update to input Textbox data into Set.
  • Text box to show Union of Set 1 and Set 2, shown as N1, N2, N3, etc. With Update button to show union when pressed.
  • Union Textbox shows "---" for no union.
  • Text box to show Intersection of Set 1 and Set 2, shown as N1, N2, N3, etc. With Update button to show intersection when pressed.
  • Intersection Textbox shows "---" for no intersection.
  • Handling of invalid inputs. That is, what happens when the user inputs an invalid number in the text box. Is it handled in a reasonable manner?
  • Separation of Model and View. That is, data binding is used.
February 2020